Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Star Trek. Fact or Science Fiction?

                                                   The Science Of Star Trek

Since the early 60's a tv show captured the imagination of the world.  Star Trek has been in and around the tv and cinemas for the past 50 years , telling the story set in the distant future, where multiple planets join together as a federation and explore the galaxy.  We were introduced into a future of space travel , aliens and gadgets beyond our wildest imagination but, how much of Star Trek is scientifically possible?  Well lets have a look!

Warp Speed.
Impulse/Warp speed, the ability to travel faster than light speed enabling starships to travel vast distances across the galaxy in a short space of time.  The technology to harness such power currently doesn't exist, however the theory of light speed travel is scientifically possible and will depend on revolutionary discoveries in quantum physics.

Vulcan's, Ferringui, Klingon, Cardassians are but a few of the many species on the show.
Most scientists these days believe there is probably life on other planets.  How intelligent and close by only time will tell.

Hand held and ship integrated scanning equipment used to detect vessels and (tricorder)scan the body to check health and type of alien.
Today we use sonar,vibration, laser ranger and gravimeters to name but a few however we're no where close to scanning vast distances accurately.  Currently scientists are working on a full body handheld scanner, closest at the moment would be your doctor looking at your x-ray pictures with an I pad.

Tractor Beams.
Gravity beams used to tow large objects in space.  Powerful magnets can pull large metal objects across space.

Cloaking Devices.
Used to hide ships from sensors and visibility enabling ships to pass undetected.  There are currently very crude kinds of cloaking but nothing that could hide an entire ship from view.

The ability to beam from one are to another in the blink of an eye.  Today's technology is no where near to achieving this , however small numbers of atoms and photons have been teleported .  Although the principle use of transporting is going to be in quantum computer development.

Phasers and Photon Torpedoes'
Handheld and ship integrated laser and photonic weapons used as defense against enemies. Military currently use phaser like stun guns that cause extreme discomfort to the skin, laser weapons are currently in development. We do not have the technology to harness such power on ships in space, so I guess if we were involved in some sort of war in space, it would be nuclear missiles as described in the starfleet war with the Romulans .

Used to create food, drinks , tools and clothes from buffering atoms.  Again we are no where near creating this type of equipment ( which would solve all the third worlds problems).  NASA have developed a printer type replicator that can scan an item or pull one off it's database then recreate the item out of very thin layers of material.

A room on board a starship than recreate any place in your imagination and you can immerse yourself just like you were actually there.  we are again way off the technology although there is some really crude 3d holographic development through virtual reality just now.


Communicators.Ships computers AI.
Handheld devices used to communicate person to person , base to base.  Well this one we are pretty much up to date with.  Smartphones have made leaps in technology over the years and as for AI we are getting there slowly, Apple SIRI is a prime example of a computer being able to answer the simplest of questions ( depending on which part of the world you are from).

As you can see from the examples above, we are still a million miles from "Star Trek" type technology in our day to day lives  but, we're getting there.
From what I have looked at 90% of Star Trek is scientifically possible..............  And they call it fiction.


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