Over the course of the week one brother was shot dead after a car jacking and the other was captured alive holing out in a speedboat in a civilians garden so, all pretty straight forward terrorist attack ? Yes ? Maybe? No? Lets rewind back to just before the attack.
Firstly the authorities decided on that day that the emergency services would conduct bombing drills, whats wrong with that, I mean they do it all the time eg 7th July 2005 in London (cough)
During the marathon and unreported by the unofficial state news channels there was controlled explosions in the area, hence why the public announcer repeatedly said to the crowds that there was nothing to panic about ( picture of bomb sniffer alert dogs)
Who were these guys dotted about the area before during and after the bombings?
These guys are wearing the same uniform, ear pieces and matching backpacks.The uniform they are wearing is called Battle Defense Uniform, so why were they there in the first place? Theses people belong to a group called "Craft" (pictured below).
This is two of the guys and a close up of the emblem on their hat?
So, Who are Craft and what were they doing at a marathon. http://www.thecraft.com/AboutUs.html
Now it’s time to narrow it down. Are these men SEALS, Blackwater, or what? Well, by visiting the Craft International About us page, we start to get answers. Not only is the favicon (little tab icon) of the site the exact same logo (which on the hat presumably reads ‘Craft’), but in image 3 (seen below) we see Chris Kyle with the exact same standard issue Craft International uniform we see these men wearing. From the boots, pants, and even baseball cap icon, it matches up. See for yourself below:
Shortly after the initial blasts this photograph was taken of a "Craft member" using am Inspector Radiation Device at the finish line,
More of them appearing at the finish line.
So we have established that a private security company was all over the area and heightened emergency services presence due to the (cough) disaster drill they were going through. There is a lot more pictures of these people dotted all over the place but I think you can get the jist of it with those few .
There is a lot circulating about the man who had both his legs blown off. Have a look at this website very interesting Boston bombing mans legs blown off staged.
Lastly I would like to draw your attention to the capturing of the 1st brother after the car jacking a Mercedes SUV and the shoot out with cops in Watertown. News channels were reporting that the police apprehended on of the brothers after a shootout while the other escaped. Here is a picture of the car.
This is NOT a Mercedes SUV and look at the sticker on the right hand side of the boot it reads "coexists"
Next picture of the car on the back of a tow truck.
That is apparently the Mercedes SUV and where has the sticker gone?.
I am not in any way saying the Boston Bombings were in anyway staged and yes innocent people died for no reason on that day, my point is that you can't take the word of our press and government as absolute truth. They knew something was going to happen that day and they did nothing to stop it happening, I mean if potentially there's going to be fatalities at a public event is it not better to cancel it and tell the public the truth that an impending terrorist attack is going to happen we have to cancel? Did the Tsamaev brothers conspire to cause carnage on that day or was it false flag terrorism and why?
Please post your theories and opinions on this matter on our facebook page underneath the link posted.